Our Activities


Today, the international project of Ceméa questions many dimensions: mobility and the right to travel; access to mobility for all in order to build one’s relationship with the world and to understand the geopolitical stakes in the encounter; the place and the reception of refugees in our societies and the access to the rights conferred on them; the creation of citizenship with people elsewhere but also here and now..

In the context of climate change and ecological concerns, other challenges are posed: what balance should be found between the issues of openness to others and being connected, and the impact of transport on the planet, for example?

To this end, the European and international educational action is divided into three parts:

  • Europe and World Education: Involving young people and educational actors in the EU’s political project and knowledge of globalisation phenomena
  • Education in Europe and in the world: This is the intervention in educational struggles, around issues that specifically concern education and youth, such as the right and access to mobility for all or the recognition of non-formal education.
  • European and international education: aims to promote an international experience in all educational pathways to build living together and doing together between groups, peoples, countries and cultures.

The international activity is currently organised around four axes:

  • The development of international pathways for all : (learning mobility) of professionals and young people,
  • cooperation between civil societies for their structuring and recognition (training of associative executives for better governance, collective advocacy actions),
  • the promotion of cultural diversity through intercultural education (combating stereotypes and prejudices, understanding one’s own frame of reference through contact with others, awareness of multilingual languages and spaces),
  • education on the complexity of geopolitical issues (creation of teaching materials, organisation of debates, training content).

Why building partnerships ?

Our partners share our vision of education as a driving force for the emancipation of people. Partnerships allow us to :

  • To build common projects, hosting and exchanging young people, volunteers, professional trainees, in a dynamic of intercultural exchange, which favours understanding, exchange and open-mindedness. These experiences enable us to act on social transformations on an individual and collective scale.
  • To work together and pool our actions, in order to act together in the European and international political space. The reach of our common voices in these political spaces, favours the listening of the institutions and allows to support the change of public policies.

Our Partners

Carte des Partenaires